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CAL-ED Conference 2022 Attendee Registration

  • 30 Sep 2022
  • 2 Oct 2022
  • Burbank, California
  • 41


  • Retirees, instructional assistants, paraeducators, community members and family.

    i. Non-certified persons working in educational programs for Deaf students (instructional aides)
    ii. Families with Deaf children
    iii. Retired professionals and stakeholders
    iv. Students enrolled in programs to train teachers, service providers, and/or interpreters of Deaf students.
  • This is reserved for College Students NOT currently employed and working in education.
  • i. Credentialed teachers and professors in Deaf Education
    ii. Educational administrators supervising programs of Deaf students
    iii. Credentialed related service providers in Deaf Education
    iv. Certified interpreters working with Deaf students
  • The SIGs will only be for Friday. September 30th.
    -Related Services
    -Early Intervention
    -Alternate Curriculum Education
    -Career Transition Education

Registration is closed
Please join California Educators of the Deaf from September 30 - October 2, 2022, as we host the 62nd annual CAL-ED conference in Burbank, California. This year’s theme is Full STEAM Ahead! We invite you to be a part of the amazing future of Deaf Education, filled with new frontiers in Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics. As a member of this organization, you will be integral to our Deaf students’ access and accomplishments in STEAM majors and professions while your unwavering support of the whole child ensures that we invariably center Social Justice and Social-Emotional Wellness to that end. Your attendance and participation this year are essential in supporting Deaf students and families in California and across the nation. After three long years, this conference presents an opportunity for us to meet at this critical juncture where our collective knowledge, wisdom, resources, and love for our Deaf students will be spotlighted, shared, and realized in multiple forums. We are honored to host an incredible lineup of stakeholders from the Deaf Education community, including inspirational keynote speakers, wise and knowledgeable student and parent panels, and highly trained workshop presenters. Join us as we collaborate with our colleagues to lift, educate, nurture, and heal all of our Deaf students and support them on their educational journeys in these unprecedented times.

 Watch the video from our conference chairs, Krissy Altmayer and Denise Sidansky!

If you have any questions, please contact Natasha Kordus 2022 Cal-ED Registration Chair at

2023 CAD + CAL-ED "Together We Thrive" Conference Supporters

CAL-ED board

We are passionate about providing equitable access to our Deaf learners. 

(logo coming soon!)

stay tuned for our CAL-ED
conference logo.



Your donations allow us to provide meaningful workshops + conferences.


CAL-ED is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization
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